As a Work for the Dole host organisation, you can get access to extra sets of hands to undertake activities and projects that may not normally get done.
There are many activities that a Work for the Dole participant may do. For example:
- Gardening or maintenance
- Computer graphics work
- Animal or wildlife shelter activities
- Retail work
- Rehabilitation of public parks
- Office administration
- Warehouse duties
There is some funding available to help offset the costs of hosting an activity and your Provider or Work for the Dole Coordinator can assist in establishing a suitable activity.
If you are interested in offering a Work for the Dole activity or would like more information, contact your local BEST Employment office.
Testimonials from our WFD hosts
Inverell Art Gallery- Jo Williams, Manager
"The Inverell Art Gallery has been involved with the Work for the Dole program from many years & has proven to be a huge success. The Gallery relies on volunteer workers for its day-to-day operations and the contribution from the Work for the Dole participants has been invaluable to us. We provide training in retail and office skills, which helps prepare them for other employment opportunities. It is very rewarding for us to see the change in those participating in the program, as they learn new skills, develop confidence and take on new challenges."

Green Thumb Enterprises- Robert Gasparre, Supervisor
"I've been really impressed with the work ethic of the participants, and how they have been engaged in the program. Without this Work for the Dole program, none of this would exist. It would not be possible."
Moree Race Club- Michelle Gobbert, Secretary
"There are many users of the Moree Racecourse facilities, and they benefit from coming to a facility that is presented neatly all of the time. We have been able to improve the aesthetics, as well as facilities for the patrons on race days and people who hire the facilities for functions. If you have a specific project that you cannot complete due to funding or lack of staff, consider a Work for the Dole project."
Dalby Baptist Church Food Garden- Vicki Payne, Admin Officer
"I see Work for the Dole as a great opportunity for us as an organisation to have a positive impact on the lives of people in the community, particularly those who are assisting us during the constructions of our Food Garden Project. We hope to provide them with the opportunity to work in a friendly and supportive environment whilst in their Work for the Dole phase. As a host organisation, we enjoy sharing the achievements of the workers and see the satisfaction they gain from being part of a group project. I would absolutely recommend that other organisations become part of the Work for the Dole workforce, to provide valuable skills and learning opportunities to people seeking long-term employment."