A message from BEST's CEO, Penny Alliston-Hall

Published | Jul 03, 2023

A message from BEST’s CEO, Penny Alliston-Hall

As BEST, and all of its entities, continue to grow and thrive in the employment, disability and community services sectors, so too our Vision and Values need to adapt.

Over BEST’s 26 years we have soared from three staff to today’s 225 staff, and while our commitment remains more dedicated than ever, it is time for a change in direction.

So, it is with my great pleasure that I launch BEST’s new Vision and Values that will guide and underpin our organisation moving forward.

Vision: BEST will develop and support independent, thriving, and resilient communities throughout regional NSW and QLD.


  • We Value People: Our commitment is to demonstrate a fundamental respect for people inside and outside our company and respect for the communities in which they live. People are our most important resource and advantage. It’s through trust, respect, and empathy that our people, staff, and service users alike, grow and prosper.
  • We exercise leadership by example: Strong leadership, of our teams and of ourselves, is vital for creating the infrastructure and environment that is necessary for our people to focus on their goals and achieve their potential.
  • We maintain integrity: Our commitment is to always remain consistently open, honest, ethical, and genuine. We care about what we do and how we do it. We believe it is important to match words with outcomes.
  • We operate with Passion and Positivity: Passion and positivity are at the heart of our company. We are committed in mind and spirit, to always moving forward, whilst innovating and improving.  We utilise this commitment to energise, engage and inspire others.
  • We strive consistently for High Performance: We look to continuously improve what and how we do things, to remain focused on the achievement of business excellence in every business unit. We are committed to measuring the things that make a difference.




























What sets BEST a part is our values driven culture, where our values aren’t just words on a piece of paper, but our staff live, breathe, and deliver them daily.

We look forward to rolling out our new Vision and Values from today, 3rd July 2023, and embracing our bright future ahead.

Cheers and Smiles, Penny


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